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How To Bring Up Healthy Kids That Love Real Food (Part 1)

I have a deep dark secret to confess…I have to admit that one of my childhood favourite food experience was at a fast food outlet. Which one? Nah…I prefer not to dwell too much on it. All right, it was the Golden Arches. It had it all! A toy with the happy meal, the bite sized chicken nuggets (yikes!), the confectionery sweet tomato sauce (double yikes!) and the small pack of greasy fries that comes along with it. Of course, a trip to Macca’s is not complete without a play at the onsite playground. In short, the factors that appealed to me as a kid, were the fun factor (toy in box & playground) and the foods that stimulated not only my taste buds but also gave me a sugar “high” found anywhere else.

However, growing up in Singapore, the foodie heaven, and being from a conservative Chinese family also meant that I grew up with constant exposure and encouragement to taste and enjoy traditional/exotic foods. I often ate foods such as braised pig intestines (chewy and absolutely flavourful), marinated jelly fish (crunchy), pig’s stomach pan fried with ginger & sesame oil (amazing!), braised chicken feet (had heaps of fun sucking the collagen off and spitting bones out), steamed fish eyes (we often fought over it since there’s only 2 per fish), and list goes on. Till this very day I still have an absolute weak spot for durian, the smelliest but mouth watering tasty fruit on this planet. So as these foods were prized as delicacies nourishing for the body and consumed regularly by everyone around me, I never thought twice about it.

Fast forward 15 years, I found myself with the responsibility of nourishing three rapidly growing bodies. Being passionate about holistic nutrition, one of my goals in life is to bring up healthy kids up to love REAL food.

Food that is wholesome, packed full of goodness, flavoursome and inspiring does not have to be complicated. It can be as simple as appreciating the sweetness of a crisp capsicum, the earthiness of turmeric juiced into a steaming bowl of coconut scented mixed grains, to the complexity of flavour in cheese or the tang in fermented foods.

From my childhood experiences, I realised that there were a few factors that stimulated my interest in foods. These factors are:

1. Involvement

2. The Fun Factor

3. Knowledge is POWER

4. Empowerment (turning concepts into actions)

I will elaborate on the above factors more in the next posts. Stay tuned!

And till then,

To nurturing nourished & joyful children,

Love Wei’er

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