Buy Miso Online

Miso The Unsung Hero Of Probiotic Foods
Commonly used in Japanese dishes, miso is both delicious and healthy and is a food that is gaining popularity the world over. This is partly due to the explosion of interest in the West of other cultures and their cuisine. However, it is also due to the scientific findings on the link between gut health and physical and mental wellbeing.
Described as a mix of salty and savoury, the exact origin of miso appears to be lost in the mists of time. Some accounts say it was brought into Japan from China (or perhaps the Korean peninsular) and others say it originated from Japan.
The original Chinese mix of soybeans, salt and grains was made into a type of soybean paste that was used to keep food preserved for consumption during the colder months. Over time, the Japanese transformed the soybean paste into the miso we know today, as well as their very own version of soy sauce.
At Gutsy Ferments we make our miso to traditional standards with a definite Aussie twist! Here’s more on our range, the benefits and how to use miso in cooking.

Our product range
Chickpea, citrus and rose miso
This special combination of flavours gives the miso a sweet taste, perfectly suited to dessert dishes such as a delightful tahini honey sauce. The blend of ingredients makes this the ideal special addition to any dinner party you may have.
Thick and salty, the famous taste of the Gutsy Chickpea miso is made from the base of koji rice. This is steamed rice that has been inoculated with a special starter culture.
Suitable for vegans, Chickpea Miso is raw and full of probiotic bacteria. Fermented for weeks in oak barrels, this classic is certified organic and 100 per cent Australian made.
Chickpea Miso Ingredients: Organic Chickpeas, Organic Citrus, Organic Rose Petals, Organic Rice, Naturally Evaporated Sea Salt, Aspergillus Oryzae.
Poppyseed miso
Unique and with a wonderful taste and texture, this is the only poppyseed miso available in Australia. Sourced from special Tasmanian-grown poppyseeds, it’s made from a starter culture of koji rice. This is steamed rice which has been inoculated with a culinary mould known as Aspergillus Oryzae. This fermenting agent works its magic, converting the complex carbohydrates of the rice into simpler sugars.
These simpler sugars, in turn, become food for naturally occurring organisms, some of which give the miso its signature umami (savoury) taste.
Organic and Australian-made, our poppyseed miso is gluten-free and suitable for vegans.
Poppy Seed Miso Ingredients: Organic Tasmanian Poppy Seeds, Organic Rice, Naturally Evaporated Sea Salt, Aspergillus Oryzae.
Adzuki miso
With a unique starter culture of koji rice (steamed rice inoculated with a special starter mould called Aspergillus Oryzae), this delectable miso is made with adzuki (red) beans.
This gives the miso a thick texture and sweet and savoury finish which makes it suitable for a variety of dishes. Raw and probiotic, our Adzuki miso is suitable for vegans, gluten-free and a product of Australia.
Adzuki Miso Ingredients: Organic Adzuki (aka Red Bean), Organic Rice, Naturally Evaporated Sea Salt, Aspergillus Oryzae

Benefits of miso
Miso is full of protein and is a rich source of many vitamins and minerals including Vitamin K, manganese and copper. As well as being linked to numerous health benefits, miso is considered to be an excellent source of probiotics. This through the bacteria that proliferate in the mix during the weeks-long fermentation period in Gutsy’s special oak barrels.
Encouraging good gut bacteria through the consumption of fermented foods such as miso has been linked in scientific studies to better physical and mental health.
“Miso has huge benefits for gut health due to its high content of beneficial bacteria. It is also a good source of vitamins B, E, K and folic acid," says practising dietitian Fleurette Pereira in a Good Food interview.