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Coronavirus And Sauerkraut: Fermented Food And Your Immune System

How fermented food help build your immune system to fight disease. Coronavirus and sauerkraut is an option to help in the fight against the disease.*

The new strain of coronavirus and the associated disease COVID-19 have mobilised our society in a way not seen since wartime. Health representatives have given advice on how to act to prevent the spread. But what are some ways we can better prepare our immune systems to fight diseases such as COVID-19?

COVID-19 — a novel strain of the common cold virus — is now a worldwide pandemic. Governments across the globe have declared emergencies. They have enacted drastic legislation to limit the spread of the strain. Australian authorities have now banned overseas travel and flights into the country for non-citizens and halted gatherings of over 100 people. 

How we can help prevent the spike in infections of COVID-19

Health authorities and our elected representatives have encouraged us to act in individual ways to “flatten the curve”. That is to prevent the spike in the rate of infections. These include limiting our attendance of social functions and keeping at least 1.5 metres away from others. It is also required that you self-isolate if you test positive to the infection. These actions will help prevent the spread of the virus amongst people with whom we come in contact. 

You can access prevention guidelines can at the official Health Department website. We at Gutsy Ferments encourage you all to read these through carefully and put them in practice. This as much as any action will help to limit the spread of the virus. The Queensland Health Department has also published a list of guidelines and fact sheets for the public. They go further into the subject. We also suggest you refer to this page for authoritative and updated information on the disease.

Preparing our immune systems through good nutrition 

As well as those suggested by health authorities, there are other behaviours that we could all introduce that may help fight the disease. Studies back the view that a balanced diet will help bolster our immune systems. This is responsible to repel any invasive viruses.

Eating probiotic-rich fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi, is a sure (and delicious) way to boost our Vitamin C intake, iron content and improve the balance of the important gut microbiome. This will help boost our immune system, ready to fight viruses.

Coronavirus and sauerkraut: probiotics, Vitamin C and the immune system

  • Gut bacteria. Eating any fermented foods will improve your immune system’s function. The probiotics contained in the food will help balance the existing good bacteria in your gut. This has been shown to help strengthen the gut lining which prevents “leakage” of unwanted material into the gut, thereby causing an excessive immune response.
  • Regular consumption of fermented foods. There is scientific evidence to suggest the regular consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut or kimchi, is helpful in reducing your risk of getting infections. The probiotic food also has been shown in studies to help you recover faster from viruses.
  • Vitamin C. Many fermented foods, including sauerkraut and kimchi, are high in Vitamin C and iron. Both of which help the body fight against infection by contributing to a healthy immune system.

Logic would suggest that the healthier you are, the easy you will fight any invasive viruses in the body. Coronavirus and Fermented Food may be a strange-sounding combination. But the gut bacteria-rich food may be part of fortifying your body against any flu-like symptoms, including COVID-19.

Gutsy Ferments sauerkraut is raw, probiotic-rich, organic and sourced locally

When you buy fermented food items such as sauerkraut or kimchi, it is vital to get the product that still contains the important probiotics. It is these that help with the balance of your gut bacteria, that will help promote a strong immune system. Not only is Gutsy Ferments’ sauerkraut raw and probiotic-rich, but it is also organic and sourced from local farms.

*Does this mean Coronavirus and Fermented Food is a combination that will protect us against the recent pandemic? No, it doesn’t. It is very important to follow health department guidelines to reduce the chance of contracting the virus. You should also follow your GP’s instructions on self-isolation should you test positive, or should you be in the higher risk category. 

Please note this article is for information only. It is not to be used in place of medical advice nor does it recommend a healthy diet as a cure for COVID-19. If you or any of your family believe you have contracted the virus, please call your doctor and arrange a time to visit. Or call the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.

Kindly share this with your friends, neighbours, work colleagues and family members. Post the information on your social media networks. The more we act as a community to prevent the spread of the virus, the better chance we have of getting through this crisis. 

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