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Milk Kefir Fermentation Kit


Milk kefir is perhaps the most probiotically diverse food/beverage available.  It also ferments really quickly (12-24 hours) which is great if you're making it yourself at home, but not so great if we're trying to send the finished product to you.

Interested in making your own milk kefir at home? This is the kit for you. It has everything you need to get you going (except the milk) so that you can enjoy the unique combination of probiotics, nutrients, and health benefits found in milk kefir.

Milk Kefir Fermentation Kit


About Milk Kefir Fermentation Kit

Ferment yourself at home with this Milk Kefir Fermentation Kit.  Over the last 15 years we've always had jars fermenting away on our bench top and milk kefir is invariably contained in of those jars.

Fermenting milk kefir is pretty simple, but there are a few important considerations:

  • Where do you get your kefir grains from?  Ideally you want grains that have been grown with raw, unpasteurised milk.  These grains are the foundation for the milk kefir you'll be fermenting for perpetuity.
  • After fermentation, how do you effectively remove the grains?  It's harder than you think because the milk has thickened to almost a past and the grains sit on the bottom.  Cheese clothes or standard sieves are a real pain and just get clogged with fermented, thickened (and delicious) milk.
  • Keeping out fruit flies (they adore milk kefir).

We've put together the best fermentation kit that we've been able to build, it includes:

  • Kefir Grains that have been fed on nothing but un-homogenised milk from grass-fed cows. The kefir grains are the most important part of the package these will grow a bit bigger with ever cycle of fermentation and eventually start to multiply.  Take care of these grains and you can use them for the rest of your life.
  • Stainless steel strainer. As mentioned above, the type of strainer used is very important.  If the apertures are too small they'll block up very easily with thickened milk.  If the holes are too big you'll loose your baby grains (the newly formed and very small kefir grains).  We've found the perfect solution.
  • 1L glass jar fermentation vessel.  Why only 1L you ask?  Believe us, it's plenty big enough.  Since your ferment will be finished and ready to drink every 12 - 24 hours, you may not even want to fill it to the top every time.
  • Fine-weave cloth to keep out fruit flies.  Fruit flies love the smell and will take every chance to get in and lay their eggs.
  • Rubber band to keep the cloth in place.
  • In depth instructions emailed to you (so it won't get lost or wrecked.

All you have to do is source your own milk.  Any animal milk will work well.  Cow, goat, sheep, camel (even human😬) milk will work just fine with these kefir grains.  Coconut milk, or other nut milks won't ferment successfully as they don't have the necessary nutrients to feed these kefir grains.

A Note on Fermenting Milk Kefir

Milk Kefir is delicious to drink, but it ferments soo quickly.  This is best fermented overnight and harvested to be drunk (or refrigerated) in the morning.  If you're drinking milk kefir for its probiotic benefit, morning is the best time to drink this fermented beverage as the probiotics will have maximum effect on an empty stomach.  If you need a break from milk kefir, no problem, you can top up the jar with fresh milk, put the lid on nice and tight and place the whole jar (grains and all) in the fridge for storage for up to a month.  After a month you will want to change the milk.

If you're looking to get started with fermentation at home, this is probably the best and easiest place too start due to the speed and and simplicity.  Have your first batch ready to go in as little as 12 hours (depending on temperature and desired flavour), only one ingredient required...Milk.

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